10 Million Discs
21. December 2015
„An invitation to dream large, to envision what the world would look like if there were another 10.000.000 discs in the hands of kids.” (10milliondiscs.org)
It is an ambitious and unique goal in Flying Disc sports. Trent Simmen, president of the “10 million discs” project, his team and many supporters, want to give away 10 million flying discs all around the world. First and foremost is the promotion of youth sports. Especially disadvantaged young people should get the chance to experience the joy and movement of the “Spirit of the Game”. Furthermore, various programs in the sport of Frisbee are promoted around the project. The aim is to further develop the project and the idea and to make it better known, as well as to improve the cooperation of the individual clubs and teams around the globe.
Eurodisc works closely with Trent Simmens and supports the project with a lot of commitment. Together, we want to promote the fairest team sport in the world and also provide access to those who, without this commitment, might not get this opportunity.